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This is a Book
Code: 9781859609583
Specs: Hardback, 250 x 250mm, 160 pages, 250 mainly colour illustrations
Author: David Knowles
Source: Affirm Publishing
Type: Book
ISBN: 9781859609583
Price: $49.95
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MGB, MGC & MGB GT V8: Haynes Great Cars Series A celebration of Britain's best-loved sports car. Launched in 1962, the MGB remained in production for 18 years, and has become one of the most-loved sports cars of all time. Its combination of unpretentious styling, sound engineering and practicality won the affection of drivers on both sides of the Atlantic, and ensures that enthusiasm for this affordable classic remains undiminished. This beautifully produced book will appeal to all MGB owners and enthusiasts. 'If you're a fan and haven't yet bought a book on the MGB-based cars, this is the only one you're likely to need' BBC Top Gear website

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