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This is a Book
Code: 9781859609651
Specs: Hardback, 250 x 250mm, 160 pages, 250 colour and mono illustrations
Author: Nigel Thorley
Source: Affirm Publishing
Type: Book
ISBN: 9781859609651
Price: $29.95
Dispatched within 3 days

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Jaguar Mk I/II: Haynes Great Cars Series The Jaguar Mk I/II is arguably the most famous and instantly recognisable saloon produced by Jaguar to date. The Mk II was the best-selling Jaguar of the sixties and increased Jaguar's sales and profitability worldwide. Winner of many races, run by 80 percent of all British Police forces (and 90 percent of all crooks!), and epitomised by TV cops and robbers such as The Sweeney and Inspector Morse, the Mk I/II is undergoing a revival in enthusiast circles. This beautifully produced book will appeal to all fans of British cars as well as to Jaguar owners and enthusiasts.

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