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This is a Book
Code: 9781844251124
Specs: Hardback, 270 x 210mm, 252 pages, Over 500 black and white illustrations
Author: Kim Henson
Source: Affirm Publishing
Type: Book
ISBN: 9781844251124
Price: $49.95
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Ford Capri Restoration Manual When the Capri was launched, in 1969, its no-nonsense handling and roadholding and, in 3-litre form, its impressive performance, singled it out from the bland and anonymous saloons of the late 1960s. Capris were straightforward, easy to drive and simple to maintain, and their popularity has been sustained largely because of this. Their simplicity of design and inherent ruggedness makes them ideal candidates for DIY restoration. The booming owners' club movement and the continuing availability of spare parts ensures that these cars will have a strong following for many years to come.

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